When to change your wardrobe? Follow these tips!

¿Cuándo hacer el cambio de armario? ¡Sigue estos tips!

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As the seasons change, our clothing and accessories must also adapt to the weather and trends of each season. But when is the right time to make that change? In this blog, we will advise you when is the perfect time to say goodbye to your coats and say hello to your favorite summer dresses or vice versa. From MY WANDER we recommend the Maxi Bags that can be used to store clothes when changing wardrobes and also take up little space .

Importance of changing your wardrobe

Making a wardrobe change may seem like an easy and simple task, but in reality it has great importance both in organization and in personal well-being. Here we show you some of the key reasons why changing your wardrobe is important:

Adaptation to climate

The appropriate clothing for each season is essential to keep us comfortable and healthy. During winter, we need warm, cold-resistant clothing, while in summer, cool, light clothing is essential. Changing your wardrobe ensures that you always have on hand what you need to face the weather conditions.

Space and organization

It is an excellent opportunity to get rid of clothes that you no longer need or use, this will help you improve space and organization.

Keeping your style up to date

Fashion is constantly changing, and changing your wardrobe is an opportunity to update your style according to current trends. You can discover forgotten ropa and combine it differently to create new looks.

Prolong the life of your clothes

By properly storing out-of-season clothing, you avoid unnecessary wear and tear. Clothes that are kept in good condition will last longer, which in turn can save you money in the long run.

cuando hacer cambio armario

Preparation for future events

Making a wardrobe change also involves evaluating what clothes you need for special occasions, such as weddings, parties or trips. Make sure you have the right clothes in advance to avoid last-minute stress.

In short, changing your wardrobe is not just an organizational task, but a practice that helps you adapt to the seasons, keep your style up to date, preserve your clothes and prepare you for any future events. It is an investment in your comfort and general well-being.

When to change your wardrobe?

The ideal time to change your wardrobe depends above all on the country you live in and the seasons of the year. However, here we give you some general guidelines to determine when to do it:

Change of seasons

Usually changing your wardrobe takes place twice a year, at early spring and early autumn. This allows you to prepare for warmer temperatures or colder than they come. In temperate climates, this is usually in March-April for spring and September-October for fall.

Average temperature

Look at the average temperatures in your area. When day and night temperatures begin to change significantly, it is an indication that it is time to make a wardrobe change.For example, if the nights get cooler and the mornings get colder, it's time to put away the summer clothes and take out the winter clothes, or vice versa.

Climate trends

Pay attention to local weather patterns. If you live in an area where the seasons can be unpredictable, you may need to change your wardrobe when sudden changes in the weather are expected.

Personal calendar

Consider your own habits and needs. For example, if you are planning a winter ski trip or a summer beach vacation, make sure you have the right clothes ready well in advance. You can store these clothes in a Bag Medium or Maxi Bag inside the closet to have everything ready and organized for travel time.

hacer cambio armario


Don't worry if you don't follow a strict schedule. Flexibility is key. If a warm winter day allows you to wear mid-season clothes, advance the process of changing your wardrobe. Likewise, if the cold weather lingers into spring, keep your winter clothing accessible.

The exact time to make a wardrobe change is a personal decision based on climatic, seasonal factors and your own needs. The important thing is to be prepared for the conditions that lie ahead and keep your closet organized and updated.

When to change your wardrobe for spring?

The right time to make the wardrobe change to spring is generally at the beginning of March or when the temperatures begin to rise and the days get longer. This will allow you to have the lightest and most comfortable clothes on hand. colorful suitable for the spring season and keep your winter clothes warmer.

When do you change your wardrobe to summer? ?

The change of wardrobe to summer usually takes place in late spring, usually in May or June, when temperatures become warmer and it is time to bring out the fresh clothes, swimsuits and accessories summer to fully enjoy this season.

When to make the wardrobe change for autumn?

The change of wardrobe to autumn is usually carried out at early September or when you start to notice a significant drop in temperatures. This time allows you to have the warmest clothing and fall items, such as jackets and boots, on hand to be prepared for the cooler weather.

When to change clothes from summer to winter?

The change of clothing from summer to winter usually takes place at the end of October or beginning of November, when temperatures begin to drop and it is necessary to have warmer clothing on hand, such as coats, sweaters and boots , to face the cold winter weather.

Steps to make a wardrobe change

Making a wardrobe change can be a major organizational task. Here are some steps you can follow to do this effectively:

  • Preparation: Gather everything you need, such as storage boxes, hangers, garment bags, and labels. Also, make sure you have space available like a bed or a clear table. You can also use MY WANDER Bags for storage.
  • Selection: Remove all the clothes from your closet and organize them into piles by type (t-shirts, pants, dresses, etc.). As you do this, take a good look at each item of clothing and decide if you want to keep it, donate it, or throw it away.It's a perfect opportunity to get rid of what you no longer need or use.
  • Cleaning: Clean out your empty closet, by vacuuming or dusting, and make sure it's in good condition before filling it with the new season's clothes.
  • Organization: Organize the current season's clothing in your closet, placing the most used and everyday items within easy reach. Organize by type, color, or however you prefer to make searching easier.
  • Accessories and footwear: Don't forget to change accessories and shoes depending on the season. Put away summer sandals and hats and take out winter boots and scarves, for example.
  • Labelling: If you prefer, place labels on the storage boxes to quickly know what each one contains. This will make future wardrobe changes easier.
  • Rotation: As the season progresses, you may want to make adjustments to your closet. Consider whether some mid-season items are still necessary and whether it's time to put away some winter items heavier.
  • Donate or sell: Take the clothes you want to donate or sell to local charities or thrift stores. This will help you clear up space in your closet and give new life to clothes you no longer need.
  • Regular maintenance: Make wardrobe changes periodically, following the cycle of the seasons. This will help you keep your closet organized and updated all year round.

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By following these steps, making a wardrobe change will be easier and will allow you to keep your clothes organized and ready for each season.

Useful tips for changing your wardrobe

Making a wardrobe change can be a simpler and more effective process with some useful tips:

Advance planning

Mark a date on your calendar for the wardrobe change, so that you can schedule it in advance and have enough time to finish it without rushing.

Season after season

When storing clothes out of season, make sure to fold or place them properly to avoid wrinkles and damage to the fabrics. For this it will be very useful to have one of our Bags or Sports bags from MY WANDER.

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Evaluate your clothes

Before storing or hanging a garment, make sure it is clean and in good condition. Wash or dry-clean as necessary to avoid unwanted stains or odors.

Organize by category

When organizing your closet, group clothes by type (t-shirts, pants, jackets) and then organize them by color or style. This will make it easier to find clothes and create outfits.

Take care of delicate clothes

Store delicate clothing or clothing made of special materials in protective covers to avoid damage from friction or direct sunlight.

Maintain a transition space

Dedicate a small space in your closet or room to store mid-season clothes that you may need in times of variable weather. A Medium Bag from MY WANDER is perfect for this.

cambio armario invierno

Make it fun

Making a wardrobe change can be an opportunity to rediscover forgotten clothes and experiment with new outfits. Have fun in the process! Of course, follow these tips if you want to know how to store clothes for a long time and keep them well. 

By following these tips, changing your wardrobe will become an organized and effective task, and your wardrobe will be ready to face each season with style. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact We will be happy to help you.

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